A few words from Frikkie

The last time the whole world was under siege was during the Second World War.  As a result, throughout 2020 I often caught myself saying “The Second World War was worse”, in an effort to motivate myself to get through one of the toughest years of my life.  Yet, despite the whole world collectively suffering for the first time in some eighty years, the recalibration which is 2020 did have a lot of positive spin offs.  

Just as with any hardship, the human spirit responded in amazing ways again this year.  Despite all the pain, there was a strong sense of reconnecting with friends and family, which I think is going to still have a very positive  knock-on effect on the human collective in years to come.  Every day brings a new heart warming story of people helping fellow humans in need.  Selfishness seems to have taken a long overdue ride in the back seat this year, which really made me proud to be human again.

So when the bells toll for the beginning of 2021, I don’t expect things to be drastically different all of a sudden.  I will however have a sense that the mountain ahead is not as insurmountable as I imagined it to be eight months ago.  With the support of an amazing family, which includes every member of the Highline team, we will be ready to wait for the last shot to be fired in the COVID war, before we can start rebuilding again.

I predict that the upcoming Festive Season will be exceptional, because it will be based on a newfound sense of family, love and friendship.  My wish is for every one of our agents, staff, family and friends to experience incredible levels of harmony and joy this Festive Season.
Here at Highline we will have a “braai” and toast to a new beginning towards the second quarter of 2021, and as we say after a good few beers and glasses of wine: “May the “Wors” be with you”
PS:  for anyone wondering what that means, you are welcome to ask any Highline staff member when you send your first quote request for 2021.

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Highline Travel & Tours are compliant with COVID-19 industry protocols. South Africa is open to international travellers and we are ready to welcome you to our beautiful country.

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